Likasoft's Archivarius 3000 is an enterprise-class data indexing search tool that's affordable enough for busy home users. Archivarius 3000 searches documents and e-mail on your PC, LAN, and removable drives. It can find, extract, and save information about particular documents, even archived documents. Archivarius 3000 is available in specific (but basically identical) versions for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows; we tried the 64-bit edition in Windows 7 Home Premium SP1. Recent updates include support for RAR5 (RAR) archive files.
Archivarius 3000 presents a clean, efficient, and easy-to-manage user interface. The program opened with a What Is New splash followed by a clearly-worded, eight-step Create Index Wizard. Essentially, Archivarius 3000 creates an index of all your data that it then uses for super-quick searches when you need something. The wizard gave us lots of options for selecting folders to index, including highly-specific choices like Instant Messenger messages or IBM Lotus Domino server. We selected My Computer, Mobile Device, and some other resources. We chose Inherited Settings, which is the default selection. We expected the indexing to take a long time, but it only took a second. Searches finished just as quickly, too. But searching is only part of what Archivarius 3000 can do; for example, clicking "Scheduler" let us schedule start and end times and other options for adding and indexing new data.
Every time Archivarius 3000 returns data more quickly than conventional search tools, it's earning its keep by saving you precious time. If you have a ton of items to keep track of and need help locating the right IM or document, this tool can help you find it almost instantly.
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Archivarius 3000 presents a clean, efficient, and easy-to-manage user interface. The program opened with a What Is New splash followed by a clearly-worded, eight-step Create Index Wizard. Essentially, Archivarius 3000 creates an index of all your data that it then uses for super-quick searches when you need something. The wizard gave us lots of options for selecting folders to index, including highly-specific choices like Instant Messenger messages or IBM Lotus Domino server. We selected My Computer, Mobile Device, and some other resources. We chose Inherited Settings, which is the default selection. We expected the indexing to take a long time, but it only took a second. Searches finished just as quickly, too. But searching is only part of what Archivarius 3000 can do; for example, clicking "Scheduler" let us schedule start and end times and other options for adding and indexing new data.
Every time Archivarius 3000 returns data more quickly than conventional search tools, it's earning its keep by saving you precious time. If you have a ton of items to keep track of and need help locating the right IM or document, this tool can help you find it almost instantly.
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